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Welcome to Viggorli! This is the fanlisting for slash fanfiction written about a relationship between Viggo Mortenson and Orlando Bloom. Use the menu above to navigate throughout the site. If you have any problems with the site you are encouraged to me. I'll respond as soon as possible. You are also welcome to email me with any suggestions or comments about the site!

Current Fans: 596
Pending Fans: 2
Adopted: February 23, 2004
Last Updated: September 30, 2008 (Details)
Latest Members: , , , , and

This site is maintained by Selene la Luna of forsaken-faith.org and is a part of Grins and Lies. The layout/design/content of the site (unless otherwise noted) was created by Tonya of missinsanity.net, fancy-that.net and unite-or-fall.org. Many thanks to Tonya for allowing the continued use of her wonderful work. We're thefanlistings.org approved. Thanks also to PHPFanBase.