
If you'd like to submit a fanfic or fanart, simply with the following.

You can submit fanfic of any rating, for any slash/femslash couple. You can also submit fics that have both slash and het (male/female) relationships (i.e. Johnny/Bruce and Sarah/Walt).

For a fanfic, you must include --

Title: The title of your fic.
Author: The name you want to go by on the site.
Email: The email address where people can send you feedback, etc.
Rating: The rating of the fic. G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, whatever.
Disclaimer: The statement that covers your arse by saying The Dead Zone and its characters are not yours. :)
Distribution: Who you will allow to post your fic, or where it can be posted.
Spoilers: Any information from an episode that may "spoil" the episode for someone.
Summary: A brief description of your fic.

Any other fields are optional, but I'll be more than happy to include them.

For fanart --

There aren't any real requirements. The fanart can be hand drawn or manipulated (aka computer) graphics. Just tell me what you want to go by and the name of the piece of art. I'll accept any "rating" as long as any nudity is tasteful. The key word here being "tasteful." Unlike with fanfic, fanart does NOT have to be slash/femslash (i.e. I'd be happy to add a Johnny wallpaper).