????????? Video Clip Downloads

Here you can find links to where you can download both the shorter and extended versions of the clip.

Shorter Version
Homeless Treasures Rescued from Cyberspace
This shorter version of the clip was originally posted on MalfoyObsession and was rescued by Koticzka. It features only the first bit of the conversation where Tom says "We're not really enemies, we love each other really."

Extended Version
Internet Archive Wayback Machine
This extended version of the clip was originally posted on a website that no longer exists. You can download the clip from the link above (which leads to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine's record for the location of the clip on the original site) by right-clicking on one of the dates listed (I used the most recent date of Aug 03, 2003) and selecting "Save Link Target As..." on the pop up menu. It features the entire scene as transcribed by me on the Video Clip Transcript page.